Language development and Stages of language development

What is Language development?

It is a process by which child learns to communicate.A good environment is necessary to develop the language.Language development is not a one stage process.Language development takes place through a series of stages.In the initial stages of language development, child learns common words (lexical words) but in the later stages, it becomes easy for a child to understand grammatical words.

What are the Stages of language development ?

 Language is a mean of communication.It is a system of symbols that we used to communicate.Through language we are able to express our ideas and views to others.An infant begin to learn language from birth.language development is as important as the physical development of the child.Language development occurs in a proper sequence. Six most important stages of language development are:




4.One word stage

5.Two word stage

6.Pre-school period

Stage 1: Crying ( first 2 months )

Babies cry a lot during this period.Crying act as a signal for new born babies. Thus through this signal they communicate with others and fulfil their desires. In the beginning crying is very intensive but with the time it decreases.

Stage 2: Cooing ( Between 3 and 5 months )

In this period babies begin cooing.coo means to speak in a soft and gentle voice.Different mouth muscles engaged while cooing.sometimes this is referred as the first stage of language development. Therefore it is also called para linguistic stage.

Stage 3: Babbling ( Between 6 and 8 months ) 

In this period babies begin to make sounds like ma/ma,da/da etc.This is the phase when the child in the real sense starts communicate.

Stage 4: One word stage ( Between 9 months and 1.5 years )

During this period child starts speaking one word sentence( like cat, no, etc ). Child expresses his views in a single word. Therefore this is also known as holophrastic phase.

-Baby is able to identify their body parts like nose,ear or toe.

-He frequently uses head movements and gestures.

Stage 5: Two word stage ( Between 1.5 years and 2 years )

At this stage child starts uttering two word sentences like cat meow , mommy milk etc.child speaks only those words which are necessary. this is known as telegraphic speech. 

-Child asks so many questions at this stage.

-Child tries to imitate the words of family.

Language Development and Stages of Language Development

Stage 6: Pre-school period ( 3 years to 5 years )

This is also known as early childhood stage.There is rapid increase of vocabulary in this stage. Child learns many new words each day. In this stage -child stars speaking complex sentences.

-child begins to use verbs correctly in the sentence.

-Speech is clear.

-No difficulty in communication with family members.

-Try to familiar with unknown words.


From the above discussion it is clear that language plays a crucial role in child’s development.If the development of language does not occur in a proper way then it may develop inferiority in the child. To develop the language, the child has to go through all above six stages.

Frequently Asked Questions 

What are lexical words?

The common words which child learns in the initial stage are called lexical words. Example of lexical words: he, she, old, new, small, large etc. these words are crucial for language development.

What are the six stages of language development?

The six stages of language development are: crying, cooing, babbling, one word stage, two word stage and pre school stage. 

What is holophrastic and telegraphic stage/speech 

One word stage is called holophrastic stage. In this stage child speaks only one word sentences. On the other hand two word stage is called telegraphic stage of speech. In this stage child speaks two word sentences.

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